Expressionism: Sharing Your Emotions

Expressionism: Sharing Your Emotions

The early 20th Century brought the world an array of experimentation in the visual arts, which included Expressionism. This art form had its beginnings in Germany, as artists were exploring new techniques that expanded beyond the Impressionism movement. “Der Blaue Retier” was a second group of expressionists, who used exaggerated imagery and lines, darker colors,…

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How do you know if your child is gifted in art?

How do you know if your child is gifted in art?

Wouldn’t it be exciting to parent the next Picasso? There is no absolute measure for child prodigies in the visual arts; however, educators, artists and researchers believe there are certain behaviors and skills children demonstrate that indicate special talent. Among all prodigies there is one particular trait that children share: passion about their interest –…

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Abrakadoodle’s Role in HBO Family Special

Abrakadoodle’s Role in HBO Family Special

Artful film gets to the heart of a sensitive issue: divorce When HBO producers approached Abrakadoodle nearly three years ago, they explained how HBO was creating a family special, “Don’t Divorce Me! Kids Rules for Parents on Divorce.” They were looking for children who had experienced divorce for possible interviews for inclusion in the program….

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Capturing Child-Like Wonder: Naïve/Primitive Art

Capturing Child-Like Wonder: Naïve/Primitive Art

I find that Naïve Art is big on charm. The “Primitive” part of the art is appealing, with its simple lines; strong colors; flat subjects and two dimensions.  Don’t be fooled, though, into thinking that this child-like magic is in any way simplistic. Abrakadoodle incorporates this wonderful art style into our instructional programs for children….

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Abrakadoodle Students Score in Creativity Testing

Abrakadoodle Students Score in Creativity Testing

Abrakadoodle conducted research during the 2011-2012 school year to determine if students exhibited gains when participating in the Abrakadoodle Art Education Program. Abrakadoodle provides a total art curriculum, art instruction conducted by an Abrakadoodle trained teacher and art materials at charter schools and private schools around the country. Students who were new to the Abrakadoodle…

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