Art Education

Process Art is the best approach to art for kids When art for kids entails experimentation and imagination, then children can derive the greatest possible benefit and enjoyment. There is actually a name for this type of experience: process art. The idea behind process art is that a child’s finished product is not nearly as…

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Artists for Kids

Art education not only improves children’s creativity, but it also educates them about other countries and cultures. Art for kids should engage children to think in new ways. Elisabeth Estivalet invites children to travel with their imagination. Her artwork depicts hills, villages and roads from her beloved adopted Provence region, in France. Estivalet is a…

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Artists for Kids

Art education today takes many new twists. Creativity can be exercised in any daily activity. Lisa Cherkasky is a food designer and she creates art using food. Cherkasky graduated from the Culinary Institute of America in 1979 and since then she has been applying her creativity in several fields. She is a Washington, DC-based food…

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Art Education

Is My Child Creative? An important element of children’s art education is creativity. Award-winning author and art expert MaryAnn Kohl offers a special watch list for parents. Observation, the ability to really see, is a valuable part of the visual arts and the art of parenting. How does your child respond to and interact with…

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Artists for Kids

Teachers of art education will be interested in John Ichter since his artwork can be a great inspiration for children’s creativity. Ichter’s love of nature is contagious and inspires kids to create their own landscapes. His colorful and bright paintings, watercolors and pastels are represented in several galleries across the country. Ichter lives in Atlanta…

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Art for Kids

Creating Art in the Key of Rhythm & Fun Art education can come to life when you engage a child’s senses during the creative process. Creativity is such an important part of every child’s development. You can inspire your child’s creativity by adding music and even movement. Art for kids can be made more magical…

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