Abrakadoodle Named #54 of 200 Top Global Franchises by Entrepreneur and Featured on MSN Money

MSN slideshow Top Global Franchises

Making a global list of top franchises isn’t child’s play, yet Abrakadoodle has achieved that ranking. Abrakadoodle has been franchising its innovative art programming since 2002 and has won numerous accolades for its creativity-boosting art programs that have propelled its growth. With its expansive curricula and art programs designed for a multitude of ages and abilities, Abrakadoodle was the Top Art Education program that made the 200 Top Global Franchises list for 2015. Abrakadoodle China is a big part of the company’s ongoing success story with 120 locations and growing across that county. Abrakadoodle’s educational art classes, customized parties and events and creative camps deliver color, imagination and fun for everyone. Abrakadoodle art connects kids of all ages to world cultures, artists from around the globe, art styles and forms that span the centuries and an opportunity to express their own sense of creativity in an environment that is always positive and inspiring!

 200 Top Global Franchises Slideshow on MSN MONEY