Abrakadoodle of Prince William County Launches Arts for All
Abrakadoodle of Prince William County is the first in our franchise system to respond to the challenge to participate in a system-wide Arts for All campaign with the first of several planned volunteer events. According to Eileen Moore, Education Director of Abrakadoodle of PWC, “We are so pleased to provide an in-school field trip for 13 students who participate in the PACE East program.” The PACE East program has a twenty-year history of assisting PWC students, as well as students from surrounding jurisdictions to learn to their fullest potential. The school’s name P.A.C.E., “Positive Attitude and Commitment to Education” essentially reflects their vision and mission and is part of every student’s educational experience. “This program is near and dear to my heart,” commented Ms. Moore. “We are super excited and my teacher is as well. This pro-bono program connects children with positive, creativity and skill-building art experiences that will have a positive impact.” We will continue to provide coverage as Ms. Moore and her team conduct additional Arts for All events, connecting kids who would not otherwise be able to access high quality art programming with meaningful, hands-on learning in the arts.
The first PACE in-school art workshop was led by Beth, artist-in-residence for Abrakadoodle of Prince William County. She volunteered her time and guided students in an Abrakadoodle Drawsters activity inspired by Bob Cane called “Who’s That Character?” According to PACE teacher Delinda, “The students did a fantastic job creating their own super hero.” At the conclusion of the in-school field trip, students took part in gallery time, in which they shared their stories and learning about the characters they created and the super power with which they were imbued. Delinda was very enthusiastic about Abrakadoodle’s impact on her students and looks forward to welcoming them back soon.