Art Education Is About Tinkering and the Maker Movement

Imagine a group of children learning about the stars! Did you know that stars come in different sizes and colors? Did you know that the sun is a star that provides light and heat to the earth? Did you know that the sun is a big ball of gas that spins? Wow!

Now imagine a learning environment where children are given the opportunity to tinker and explore a variety of art materials, while figuring out how to make their own spinning stars. This summer Abrakadoodle campers will do just that! With a focus on STEAM based learning, this is just one of the ways children will apply science, technology, engineering and math skills to their original creations. Using a wide variety of art materials, they will cut, paint, color, glue and model, while strengthening their planning, focusing of attention, organizing and problem solving skills.

When children tinker, they learn how materials work. They can ask questions and evaluate outcomes. Art offers children a wonderful sensory driven opportunity to explore materials and make something new with their own hands! I can’t wait to see all the different colored spinning stars that will have been born in the imagination of each child.