Creative Summer Program Options During Challenging Times

During challenging times, we need to think creatively! This is something Abrakadoodle knows a lot about! In places where we are not able to hold our onsite classes and camps, parents are responding by asking Abrakadoodle for Abrakadoodle Backyard Camps! With all safety guidelines in place, parents are hosting our camps in the protection of their own backyards. A number of our preschools have joined in by having Abrakadoodle bring our popular In-School Field Trips to their open outdoor areas. Families with children who have summer birthdays are opting for our online Birthday Parties. Our Online Family Art Events are enabling families who generally travel and visit during the summer to still get together virtually and enjoy making an art project together. And difficult times have not stopped Girl Scout leaders from registering their troops for online art classes that work toward badges and other troop objectives. Even our adults have joined in the fun by bringing a group of friends together for an ArtSplash online event! Contact Abrakadoodle today and learn about our many program options and how we can keep the creativity flowing!