Engaging Students Through the Arts!
We join you in welcoming the start of a brand new year! As educators, the past year has taught us new things. It has also reinforced some things that we already know, such as how important engagement with students is to their learning. This includes the engagement between students and teachers but also among the students themselves. We know that the degree of attention and curiosity a student shows matters. It will motivate them to deeper levels of understanding as they progress in their learning.
Many of our art classes are being taught online and we remain fortunate to also be able to continue onsite instruction with a number of our schools. It is heartwarming to see students who login remotely for Abrakadoodle class and check in with each other! They are eager to share what has been going on in their lives, show their pets and even show home decorations, artwork , and more. Our instructors love to see how they encourage each other and notice if someone is missing one week.
We do think art instruction offers an advantage in terms of engaging the interest of students. Whether online or onsite, its content can be delivered in enticingly visual ways! Introducing a lesson with compelling visuals and offering choices pulls our students in to the creative process! Being given the freedom to explore the art materials always enables such great “hands-on” discovery and sensory learning experiences. Encouraging student discussion and the sharing of artwork helps reinforce social and emotional connections that are so important in the teaching of children.
One of our Educational Directors, Eileen Moore, says, “It is about the art, but so much more!” We look forward to a new year filled with opportunities where students will have opportunities to be immersed in fun art projects from around the world, explore art materials, while feeling connected to other students who join them in creating and sharing their masterpieces!