Art Gives Kids a Tool to Express Their Unique Vision

When children are free to express their ideas, we all benefit. As parents, we can enjoy a view into what inspires our children. Allowing children to create art without constraints provides great fodder for conversation – never judgment. Some children naturally inject humor into their art, while others convey interesting visual metaphors. Give a child…

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Abrakadoodle Participates in VetFran Press Conference

Abrakadoodle joined with the International Franchise Association (IFA), U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), as well as SIGNARAMA for a VetFran Independence Day press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. Launch events at 12 other American cities highlighted concerns about veteran unemployment and encouraged the hiring of veterans. It…

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Abrakadoodle Celebrates 10 Years in Creative Art Education

Creativity was on display from start to finish at Abrakadoodle’s conference. Staff and attendees came costumed as an artist or a piece of artwork for the welcoming cruise along the scenic Potomac River. Pam Rautmann, who serves Southeastern Wisconsin, won the prize for best costume representing an artist. She was a shoe-in as Frida Kahlo!…

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Abrakadoodle welcomes veterans to its franchise team

Three years ago while serving in Iraq, April Rose read a cover story about the Abrakadoodle art education franchise in Black Enterprise magazine that fueled her desire to pursue an artful future following her deployment. Hunkered down in a bunker amid rocket fire, she and her future husband imagined their new lives as arty entrepreneurs. According…

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