It’s Franchise Friday!

Today we celebrate Franchise Owner and Army Veteran April Rose Jackson. April Rose, owner and Education Director of Abrakadoodle of Oklahoma City, joined the Abrakadoodle system in 2012 following her service in the armed forces. She and her husband Isaac were eager to launch an art education company and inspire creativity in the minds of…

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Art Gives Kids a Tool to Express Their Unique Vision

When children are free to express their ideas, we all benefit. As parents, we can enjoy a view into what inspires our children. Allowing children to create art without constraints provides great fodder for conversation – never judgment. Some children naturally inject humor into their art, while others convey interesting visual metaphors. Give a child…

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What’s In Your Art Box?

Add These Three Art Supplies That Will Inspire Kids! Our schools give us long lists of art supplies for school use, but what should you have at home to both complete homework projects and to inspire spontaneous art creations?  Many of the items are the same – pencils, markers, scissors, crayons, colored pencils, white glue,…

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Animals in Art: Kids Love Them

Kids love animals, and so it only stands to reason that they also appreciate viewing and creating their own animals in art. Throughout history, artists have always created drawings, paintings and sculptures of animals. Cave art reveals ancient paintings that date back tens of thousands of years in which animals are portrayed. Ancient Egyptian artists…

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