Art Brings the Great Big World Closer to Young Learners

One of the first things that young children begin to learn is how they are part of a community. They learn they are part of a family, part of their preschool class, part of their school and then part of the community they live in. Hands-on art activities that introduce children to different cultures from…

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News: Abrakadoodle Expands in North Carolina

“Participating in the fine arts has always been a great joy to me. The creativity and innovation of producing original art helped build a foundation for my success in science and engineering,” Ms. Norris remarked. “When I heard about Abrakadoodle, it seemed like a great fit for me and I am excited to provide this excellent art curriculum to the Greensboro area.”

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Mighty Mini’s: Abrakadoodle Readies Young Kids to Take Flight Toward School Success

Article by Rosemarie Hartnett, Co-Founder & President, Abrakadoodle With summer 2018 winding down, our thoughts naturally turn back-to-school!  Parents everywhere are busy getting back packs and new school supplies prepared.  They want to make sure their kids are ready!  For many young kids who participated in Abrakadoodle camps this summer, so many of the fun…

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