At Abrakadoodle, we strive to spark kids’ imaginations while they think, create, discover, problem solve and build confidence. We want these kids to grow up to be creative adults who invent, imagine and communicate in fresh new ways. We bet you do too!
Abrakadoodle Students Show Significant Gains on Creativity Testing
Abrakadoodle conducted research during the 2011-2012 school year to determine if students exhibited gains when participating in the Abrakadoodle Art Education Program. Students who were new to the Abrakadoodle program were tested in the fall of 2011 and then again after participating in the Abrakadoodle program for seven months. The Educational Resource Group administered the testing under controlled settings for both the pretests and the posttests. Fifty-two second and fifth grade students from diverse backgrounds took part in the testing.
Overall grade scores for the entire group increased by 7 percentage points as they related to the national averages. Most dramatic results were apparent among the fifth grade students, who scored significantly below the national averages in the pretest. In addition to the Abrakadoodle Art in Our World Curriculum and Education Program, fifth graders had participated in Abrakadoodle’s Creativity Boost™ Exercises.